
Hong Kong Economic Journal article

, Hong Kong, Interviews

“IPO: A Global Guide” featured on 2 May 2011 in the “Inner Circle of Finance” weekly column written by hedge fund manager C.K. Edward Chin. An extract of the column mentioning the book, which also included a picture of its front cover, is set out below.

投行猛人Philippe Espinasse新書, (recommended by Edward Chin,  Hedge Fund Manager and Columnist at the Hong Kong Economic Journal)

話題三:好書推介:IPO:A Global Guide

話題三:好書推介:IPO:A Global Guide – 我從來沒有在ECM(equity capital market)的領域打滾,但在Impact Investing的領域,我有興趣了解到如何令一些有潛力的非政府組織(NGO,即Non government organization),社會企業,可以做到上市之路。Philippe Espinasse的新書:IPO:A Global Guide,是香港大學出版社出版的新書。我日前和Philippe在蘭桂芳碰面,他在接近二十年的投行歷程,做了很多上市的大deal,IPO是他的專長,離開「大行」後,他說話的自由度更廣,新書談及如何在亞洲、歐洲及中東市場上市。此書我最欣賞的地方,是在附錄說明一般IPO的收費及支出費用,這是一本在資本市場有二十年「功力」才可寫出的好書,值得看!