Tag: Events
16 April 2019
Just as Hong Kong has taken over from Japan as the second largest stock exchange in Asia (behind Shanghai), and as larger and better performing IPOs show renewed confidence on the part of investors in the city, Singapore’s primary markets have quietly (and rather worryingly) gone off the grid.
Events, Hong Kong, Liquidity, Singapore, Vietnam
Events, Hong Kong, Liquidity... +2 more
08 October 2015
I was back in Hong Kong’s Radio 3 studio for an interview about my debut thriller, “Hard Underwriting”, with anchor Noreen Mir on the lunchtime “123 Show”. read
Events, Hong Kong
Events, Hong Kong
22 September 2014
The expanded, second edition of my book has just been published in both paperback and e-book. read
12 February 2014
Those of you among the 21,000-odd return visitors to this website will have noticed a few changes since it first became active in December 2010. read
06 December 2013
After jointly authoring with Syren Johnstone the study manual for the IPO sponsor examinations in Hong Kong earlier this year (published by the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute in September – and in October for the Chinese version), I have just signed a publishing contract with a major academic, scholarship and business publisher based in the UK (but with offices world-wide) for my new book, which should be out in the summer of 2014. read
12 September 2013
A sponsor firm and its management are responsible for ensuring that staff undertaking sponsor work as Principals and Representatives are licensed and meet the sponsor guidelines. Under the new IPO sponsor regime coming into force on 1 October 2013, there are now three distinct routes through which staff working as Principals on IPO transactions where their firm has been appointed in the role of sponsor can be licensed. read
Events, Hong Kong, Licensing, Principals, Representatives, Sponsors
Events, Hong Kong, Licensing... +3 more
21 June 2013
I was interviewed by Sophie He from the China Daily’s Hong Kong edition for an article entitled “IPO’s second wind” as part of the newspaper’s Hong Kong Competitiveness report. read
China, Cornerstones, Events, Hong Kong, Secondary listings
China, Cornerstones, Events... +2 more
06 March 2013
I was back in Hong Kong’s RTHK 3 radio studio this morning, interviewed by anchor Reenita Malhotra Hora in the “Money for Nothing” programme, to talk about Chinese IPOs, both in the mainland and in the Special Adminstrative Region. read
China, Cornerstones, Events, Hong Kong, Syndicate
China, Cornerstones, Events... +2 more
28 January 2013

On 17 January 2013, I moderated a 90 minutes panel discussion on the Hong Kong listing mechanism at HKEx’s 2nd whole-day conference on “Raising capital in Hong Kong”. read
China, Events, Hong Kong
China, Events, Hong Kong
19 January 2013
The “Hong Kong IPO Guide 2013” is just out, published by LexisNexis. This is the second edition of the guide, of which I was already a co-author in 2012. read
Events, Hong Kong
Events, Hong Kong